Disk UFO Over Saranac Lake N.Y.
Date of Sighting: 1947-August
Time of Sighting: app. 10 PM
Location of Sighting: Saranac Lake N.Y.
Number of witnesses: 5-6
Number of objects: 6-7
Shape of objects: Disc shaped
Full Description of event/sighting: I was about 4 years old, were
at our cabin in the Adirondacks and several neighbours were visiting
us as we just arrived for our summer vacation. As I was young I was
put to bed earlier but was listening to the adults talking in the
living room. We had no electricity or running water so when I wanted
to go to the toilet which was an outhouse in the corner of the shed,
my father escorted me to the shed and went back inside the cabin door
to get away from the mosquitoes where he could still see the shed.
While in the outhouse every minute or so I could hear a whirring from
far away getting nearer then going away.
When I ran back inside the cabin and told my father he said it was
probably just an owl or other creature. A few minutes later all the
adults were outside the back door as someone had gone to the outhouse
and saw this disc shaped object which seemed to be slightly lit up
and making a whirring sound coming into view from the south, passing
almost overhead and disappearing around Mount Baker. I sneaked out
and actually saw one (one passed every minute or so) before I got
caught and was sent back in. We had an old battery radio (tube) and
when listening to the local news the next day we heard several reports
of the same sighting from the village.
Thank you to the witness for sending in this interesting report.
Additional information:
1 - The object I remember seeing was to the best of my recollection
basically white.
2 - The light was from the entire object (glowing) No individual lights
were showing as from a plane.
3 - The speed of the object was about what one would expect of a very
fast airplane however I remember someone saying later some of the
objects either earlier or later than the one I actually saw darted
about irregularly very quickly and as I said there was a whirring
noise (not that loud) as each passed somewhat overhead. It was however
not a plane as I spent many summers there and had seen many planes
both at night and day and none resembled what I saw.
4 - There was quite a bit of discussion for days later especially
as the local radio station (WNBZ) I believe, mentioned some locals
in the village which was about a half mile away (straight line) had
seen "Flying Saucers" that night. I guess there was some
apprehension as we were isolated from "civilation:" with
no electricity or phone at our Adirondac camp and no car to get away.
5 - No one felt anything abnormal including myself.
6 - Keep in mind that the date I mentioned could be off by a year
as I was very young at the time.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind
enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net
with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept
Credit: The Vike Archives & Sightings.com