Coyote Lake Above Gilroy California
A Huge Ferris Wheel UFO
Date: 1959 or 1960 ?
Time: Evening.
Brian Vike's Note: The below report is a dandy of
a sighting, also the fellow was kind enough to do a telephone interview
with me and will be on the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show this
Sunday night, (April 27, 2008) along with two other guests.
I'm 56 now. I was born in Salinas California. My grandmother and father
lived in a house on Coyote Lake above Gilroy Ca. They also had a small
cabin below their house near the lake which had been their vacation
home before building the bigger house above. I would stay with them
every summer. To the best of my memory the year was 1959 or 1960.
They had a big picture window over looking the lake, which was maybe
15 feet out and 25 feet down from the cabin. The lake is around a
mile across and several miles long. At that time I always slept there
by myself.
This had such an impact on me, that I still have a vivid memory of
what I saw. I saw from the top of the window, what I thought was a
ferry wheel on it's side descending down towards the lake turning
very slowly. I remember looking back at the pot bellied stove to see
if a reflection from the fire was mirroring off the inside of the
window. I remember putting my face right against the glass, this wheel
had colored lights very similar to a ferry wheel.
I even remember thinking there must be something going on down the
road at the canteena, which was a bar and dance floor, like they must
have a Ferris wheel set up and this is a reflection, all of these
things were going though my mind. The object kept getting lower and
lower until it was not far from the water, the whole time turning
slowly, it was gigantic. Of course I was only 9 or 10, but if I had
to guess, I would say it was at lease as big as a real Ferris wheel.
It was at about 30 degrees of horizontal. It finally lifted up slowly
until it out of sight because of the top of the window frame.
That was it. I have never seen another UFO in my life, but I know
what I saw that night. I refused to stay in the cabin by myself for
a very long time. Many years ago I was watching a UFO show, their
was an eye witness to a UFO, I know it was back east, the UFO that
the guy was talking about, and the drawing they were showing, was
identical to what I saw. I was blown away. Thanks for the interest.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind
enough to contact Brian Vike at: sighting@telus.net
with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept
Credit: The Vike Archives & Sightings.com