Artillery Takes Out Landed UFO At
Da Nang, RVN Happy Valley In 1966
Date: Between February and July of 1966
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 a.m.
Location of Sighting: Da Nang, RVN - Happy Valley.
Number of witnesses: Unknown.
Number of Objects: Believed to be 1
Shape of Objects: Unknown.
Brian Vike's Note: If anyone else who served at this time and
in this area and have any information about this event, please do
contact Brian Vike at
with a detailed report. Thank you.
Full Description of Event/Sighting: Radar track from Danang, and Aerial
observer. Taken out by Artillery fire. More info if you are interested.
Did not get any TDA following the counter fire.
Additional Information:
Hi Brian, I am guessing you are in British Columbia, or the Pacific
Northwest. Quite a bit out of my normal travel area. Anyway, it is
still good to hear from you and to learn of your organization.
I was in the US Marine Corps, and served in the SE Asia area during
1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, and 1969. It was during my 1965-66 tour that
we were located to the northeast of Da Nang, and I was in an Artillery
Fire Direction Center (FDC). We controlled close to 100 Field Artillery
pieces in the Da Nang area, and could bring about 500 rounds onto
one football field sized spot in about 3 minutes.
I have had some injuries from auto crashes since then and do not remember
just when the incident occurred, but it was between February and July
of 1966. I was on the late night shift and we got a call from the
air base that a UFO had come in and landed at a set of coordinates
generated by the GCA Radar. These plotted out in an area that we referred
to as "Happy Valley." The IFF response had been un heeded
and the radar and visual tracking from an airborne craft in the area
did not match any known aircraft. Since we were close to the DMZ,
no one wanted to take any chances and we were given clearance to fire
all available artillery on it. We had about 70+ pieces that could
range the target so we plotted a time on target mission and fired
6 rounds per piece on the target.
The GCA radar kept watch on the area and the observer stayed a safe
distance out of the lines of fire. We got the usual artillery bursts
and at the end of the barrage there was a huge flash that registered
on the GCA radar. The air observer reported that nothing had left
the area, and it was too dark to look for damage until sunup. We filed
the fire mission request and record of fire with the other log sheets
and had been advised that a ground crew was going in for TDA at first
light. When we came on shift 2 days later we looked for the record
of fire sheet to see what the ground crew had found.
We were amazed to find that the entire set of records for that mission
had vanished. No one would admit to being told to pull it and we never
did find out what we had hit other than the initial comments that
had come back to us while we were firing on the target. I still have
no clue what we shot. It was big and got a lot of people excited.
No other sightings were reported in our area that I heard about before
I left in August of 1966. This has always been a puzzling experience,
wandering around in the back of my mind. I have often wondered if
we had in deed taken out an extraterrestrial space craft, and how
badly we had irritated whom ever it belonged to.
Sorry I don't have more or better descriptive information on the craft
or the post attack findings.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell this story. I would
be interested in hearing about any thing that may have been found
out about this incident as it has been bothering me for over 40 years
Thanks, and best wishes to you.
Additional Information:
Maybe there is more there than I realize, but I think your interview
would be quite short. My involvement in this was minimal, albeit that
I was an excellent FDC data computer and chart operator -- took out
a 3ft. wide suspension bridge with 2 shots once at 14,000 yards with
an aerial observer, Australian Chap, and a darn, fine one at that!
Never did get to meet the fellow, just a voice on the radio.
I would appreciate hearing about any other information that may surface
on this one. I think I still keep one eye out over the brush any time
I go out. Had to have really irritated someone!
Back about 1983 in December, I was flying back to St. Louis, from
Phoenix, for a week of training, and we were routed through the Denver
airport. We were in the four corners area (AZ, UT, NM, CO) and I was
looking out the window, Rt. side, a couple of rows behind the wing,
-- always like to see where I am going and what is on the ground,
if possible -- We were at about 34,000 ft, and there was some cloud
cover at about 25,000 - 28,000 ft. I was watching the terrain transition
as we came out of the NE Arizona barren landscape, and suddenly became
aware of a large dome-shaped object at about 29-30,000 ft. It appeared
to be shaped similar to a State capitol building, except it had a
lot of antenna arrays on it. The bottom that I could see, appeared
to be flat. It was hovering for about 20 seconds and then it descended
slowly into a cloud bank. I did not see any flashing lights, or moving
parts. It was a dull silver-gray color. It was just a surprising.
The antenna arrays were the most surprising thing to me about the
surface of the object. I felt no rush of excitement or panic, just
marveled at the size and appearance. I was looking at the object at
about a 10 degree down angle and estimated that it was about 1 - 1
1/2 miles away. I would guess that it was about 75 ft. wide and about
45 - 50 ft. high. I was wide awake and I don't drink or use mind altering
drugs -- legal or illegal. I have never seen another unidentified
object in the air. This was really a strange experience.
Anyway, that is the extent of my UFO mystery experiences. Best wishes
to you and your group. Maybe one of these days we will get it all
sorted out!
Best wishes to you.
My many thanks to this gentleman for sending in this amazing report.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind
enough to contact Brian Vike at:
with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept
Credit:The Vike Archives &