Lonnie Zamora's Encounter
Another World
Date: April 24, 1964
Video: YouTube - Pat Uskert/UFO Hunters Interview with Lonnie Zamora
at Landing Site/2008 (Runtime 10:27)
roughly 5:45, Lonnie Zamora, then 31 and a policeman in the city of
Socorro, New Mexico found himself in a high speed chase with another
vehicle on the outskirts of town. During the pursuit Zamora was suddenly
deviated from the chase by the bizarre sight of a cone of blue flame
in the distance, rising more than 2,000 feet. Thinking perhaps an explosion
had just taken place, the officer ended the pursuit of the speeding
vehicle and moved toward the direction of the flames. Hampered by rough,
desert road, Zamora moved slowly toward what appeared to be an overturned
car with two people near by. He radioed the station to report the accident,
but just then, after cresting a small hill, realized he was not seeing
an overturned car at all.
There, just off the side of the road some 600 feet from when Zamora
stood, was a strange, white, egg-shaped object apparently made of brightly
polished metal, standing on 4 legs. Beside the craft stood two men in
white cover-alls, appearing to be inspecting the vehicle. One noticed
Zamora, and seemed to react with shock. Only moments later, the officer
heard the slamming of thick metallic doors and the onset of a low frequency
roar which slowly rose in pitch and becoming painfully loud. A bright
blue and orange flame appeared below the craft as it began to rise slowly
into the air. Fearing that at any moment the whole thing might explode,
Zamora took cover behind his squad car. The craft rose higher into the
air on its roaring jet flame and then rapidly moved across the desert
out of sight. As it climbed, Zamora got his best view of the craft.
He described it as being bright aluminum-white metal with a peculiar
red insignia, which he later rendered in a drawing. No windows or portholes,
though he did hear what sounded like slamming doors just before it took
Zamora's account was validated by inspection, both by Project Blue Book
(which classified the event as a true "unknown"), including
the esteemed J. Allen Hynek (who left project Blue Book after this incident
as Hynek's true views were being gagged by Air Force officials) and
the USAF. One physicist on site noted that the impressions left by the
landing gear would have required a vehicle weighing at least 8 tons.
The blast mark and scorched earth was also analyzed, but as typical
with Blue Book and Air Force analysis, no conclusions were made.
is no doubt that Lonnie Zamora saw an object which left quite an impression
on him. There is also no question about Zamora"s reliability. He
is a serious police officer, a pillar of his church, and a man well
versed in recognizing airborne vehicles in his area. He is puzzled by
what he saw, and frankly, so are we. This is the best-documented case
on record, and still we have been unable, in spite of thorough investigation,
to find the vehicle or other stimulus that scared Zamora to the point
of panic." - Project Blue Book Official Statement (FOIA)
The case has remained one of the most mysterious and evidential in the
chronicles of contemporary UFO sightings and close encounters.
Recently, a woman watching The Sci-Fi Channel's program "Sightings"
saw the Lonnie Zamora story and remembered having been there as a child,
along with her father while vacationing. She went through her attic
looking for a roll of 8mm movie film and found color footage taken by
her father of the landing site, documenting the scorched brush and landing
pod depressions. The footage was aired on the program and represents
another solid piece of evidence supporting the Zamora UFO encounter.
Lonnie's original sketch of what he saw
Lonnie Zamora died November 2, 2009 of heart failure at age 76. Lonnie
never embellished his story, never sought the attention of media and
remains one of the bedrock UFO experiencers of merit.
Additional Resources:
Project Blue Book Report & Zamora's Statements
More Photos/Slide Show:
Credit: Sightings.com