Surveillance Footage Backs Up
UFO Eye-Witnesses Reports


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Credit: Jadyn Cassidy

When Mr Zheng told his friends and family that he saw two UFOs hovering above his place of work he faced the typical ridicule that so many thousands of UFO witnesses face on weekly basis.

On the evening of March 16 Mr Zheng, a teacher in an automotive technical college in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, had remained behind to finish some work. At around (pm he noticed two luminous dots hovering in the skies above the college.

After facing the disbelief of his associates he decided to see if the college's surveillance cameras had picked up the UFOs and indeed it turned out that his sighting had been recorded.

On showing the footage to a local UFO expert, Mr Zheng, it was concluded that the lights, judging by their trajectory, were not planes or Chinese lanterns.

Perhaps they were alien craft sent down to monitor earthly cites?