Second UFO Noticed In Casebook Photo
James Neff

An interesting photograph showing a spheric object near Shaw Butte Mountain, Arizona was submitted to, but a second UFO was overlooked by the photographer, making the photo all the more interesting. The second UFO was so close to the mountain edge it was probably very easy to miss. We sent the additional UFO marked as an inset and enlargement to ufocasebook and the webmaster updated the sighting report.

Click image for larger version

Email was as follows:

Published: 9:16 AM

I just wanted to point out that a second spherical UFO is in the top most Shaw Butte Mt. photo on your page at Hiking Photo Shows Unknown Object over Phoenix Mountain Preserves (original casebook page).

It appears to be almost identical in color, shape and size. I looked at dozens of similar shots of this large microwave array atop Shaw Butte on Google Images, and did not see anything like these spheres (as I was wondering if they might have been similar to the balls hanging on wire to warn crop dusters where the power lines are located, but these spheres are clearly above what appear to be power or telephone lines, not on the lines).

I'm sending a crop out of the photo with the second overlooked sphere, on the right nearest the mountain. I think the hiker really got something in this shot (the other shot appears to be a very common blurred bird, imho).

James Neff

Comments from readers at the ufocasebook site have suggested these sphere are "weights" to support the large microwave towers, however looking at well over 20 images on Google Images of Shaw Butte's mountain top array revealed no such objects, and Google Images supplied quite a number of photos of the mountain from various angles, near and far, and several almost exactly from the same position as the submitted photograph by the hiker. Additional examination of the photo reveals that any wires in the photo from which the objects might have been suspended or attached appear below the spheres, not above and not "on" them. In the enhanced image below, one can clearly see where the lines are located in relation to one of the spheres (the second is the same).

If anyone has images to the contrary we'd love to see them, and we're sure ufocasebook would also. Please send to either or ufocasebook.

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