Cigar Shaped Object Over Perth,
Western Australia, Red Bull Air Race
Considering the kind of photo this is, following a fast moving stunt
plane under such excellent lighting conditions across several frames
and excellent information from the photographer, the unknown cylindrical
object is clearly moving extremely fast -- the lack of blurring almost
surely eliminates the possibility of this being a bug passing close
by the camera (which can often create the illusion of a high speed
craft covering great distances). In this case also we have in the
last frame the object much smaller showing it has moved further away
from the photographer, and yetremains sharply defined. All in all,
this is an excellent UFO photograph. See the large versions of all
three pics at the Flickr site links below (once there, clock All Sizes
for size options above the photos)
Date: April 18, 2010
Time: 1:08 p.m.
Location of Sighting: South Perth, Perth Western Australia
Number of witnesses: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Shape of Objects: Cigar shaped, disc shaped?
Full Description of Event/Sighting: On the 18th April, 2010, I attended
the Red Bull Air Race in Perth, Western Australia. I am an amateur
photographer, and was keen to get some shots of the show from the
southern side of the river facing the city. I took over 200 shots
on the day, and whilst I noticed nothing at the time, I later found
an object in 3 of the shots during post processing of the photographs
(I saw nothing at the time, however given the speed of what appears
in the shot, and with the viewfinder of my camera up to my eyes for
much of the day, I wouldn't expect to see anything).
The photos were taken at 1.08pm, according to the camera timer. I
took 3 photos in less than 1 second total, in accordance with the
Canon 500D DSLR specs. Each of the 3 photos was taken at 1/80th of
a second, in both JPEG and RAW format.
The 3 photos show a stationary news helicopter on the left, and a
competitor's plane in the centre which appears to hardly move in the
3 shots despite travelling at speed vertically, such was the speed
of the 3 photos taken. The object in the background (or is it a small
object close to the lens?) baffles me. It appears to be moving very
fast. It is either large, distant and extremely fast moving, or just
the opposite. It appears to have no tail such as a meteor might have,
and in fact may also be travelling in a slightly upwards direction.
The photos were taken into the sun with a polarizer filter on, and
with smoke haze from the aircraft, they did not turn out like I would
have liked. My only adjustments to them, however, relate to color
and contrast, with no changes to the object in question itself.
This is the first time I have reported the photos as a sighting. A
while ago I sent them to a Ufologist in Australia and the conclusion
was that they may be an insect up close, in the absence of any other
information. I have my doubts however, to me it looks large, fast
and distant. For that reason I have decided to report what I have,
and let others decide.
The photos are available on my Flickr account as follows:
Frame 1:
Frame 2:
Frame 3:
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind
enough to contact Brian Vike at:
with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept