2010 Chilean UFO Wave Continues
From Scott Corrales
Inexplicata - The Journal Of Hispanic Ufology

Chile: Tarapacá UFO Wave Continues

Source: La Estrella de Iquique
Date: 04.19.2010
Chile: Tarapacá UFO Wave Continues

The apparition of an unidentified flying object caused a commotion in Tarapacá on Thursday night. The luminous object was seen throught the region, particularly in the Cavancha and Playa Brava sections.

Professional photographer Marco Pardo captured the exact moment in which a large flashing light hung motionless in the sky over Playa Brava.

"It was strange at first, because the intensity of its light waxed and wanted, but it didn't move at all," Pardo explained. His camera captured the precise moment in which the UFO moved from north to south and viceversa, remaining visible in the heavens for nearly 10 minutes.

"There's a moment in which this light travels rapidly from one place to another, only to vanish to the north," added the photographer.

The sighting occurred after 23:00 hours on the coast of Iquique. The image was taken from the balcony of his home, located at Los Molles on the corner with Cerro Dragón.

Ufologist Mario Pizarro believes that this sighting is another of many recorded over the city in recent times. "These are cyclical times, when the sky has been clear at night, facilitating the sighting of these objects," he explains, adding that UFOs are "prototypes of luminous ships that behave in a very special manner in the sky." A description similar to the one given by the cameraman who took the photos.

Regarding research after the event, Pizarro stated that he is working on it and a series of other sightings, including on in Alto Hospicio and the confirmed sighting of a UFO in the skies of Chile's Second Region, specifically Antofagasta. The possibility that it could be the same flying object seen over the Iquique coastline is not being dismissed.

(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU)

Chile: UFO Sighitngs Continue Unabated

Source: La Estrella de Iquique
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Chile: Sightings Continue Unabated in the Region

20:33 - A true wave of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) has washed over the skies of Iquique in recent days.

The latest sighting was the one recorded from Cerro Tarapacá - a sighting that involved three objects.
In this regard, Fredy Valenzuela, a protagonist to the event, narrated the event and what was captured in photos and video. "I'm a telecommunications contractor and this is the first time that I've had to climb Cerro Tarapacá. On my way back, I saw two air force jets flying around; I saw them from the mountain toward the sea. I looked for a while and later saw three objects flying in different directions," he explained.

(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU)


Mexico: UFOs on the Morelia Airport Runway
MONDAY, APRIL 26, 2010
By Salvador Mora, La Esfera Azul

As a follow up to the transcendent and highly important case involving UFOs seen over Runway 05 at the Morelia Airport in the year 2002, we present a special report from 2005 created by a prestigious Mexican researcher and good friend ˆ Ruben Villatoro ˆ who visited Morelia at the time to conduct his research, captured in this report. We repeat that this is one of the most important documents on the subject of UFOs in our country, due to all the factors it involved.
We would like to extend our thanks to Ruben Villatoro and Carlos Clemente for their cooperation and participation with our group in the research that we ourselves conducted at the time with Emmanuel Garcia and Emiliano Torres. This case involved authorities at the highest level, as well as pilots, air traffic controllers, and multiple witnesses. Given its implications, it was even classified as a matter of national security. It now belongs to history of serious and in-depth research into the subject of UFOs.

Watch the video IN SPANISH
(Translation (c)2010. S. Corrales, IHU)

Chile: UFOs On The Prowl Over Tarapacá

Source: La Estrella de Iquique
Date: 04.26.10
UFOs On The Prowl Over Tarapacá
By José Cuello Miranda

Ufologists throughout the country have a lot of work on their hands, and the reason for this is Tarapacá, where there has been an exponential increase in the number of sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).

The phenomenon has startled residents of Iquique. On many occasions, citizens have been stunned to see lights or objects that shouldn‚t be there every time they look up to the skies.

The phenomenon‚s very existence is a mystery, considering that the reason for its presence has never been explained, and much less forecasted. But there are historic periods of time in which the appearance of numerous UFO cases have drawn the attentions of ufologists.

When a large number of UFO reports occur in a short period of time, ufologists call it a "flap"; if the situation endures for a longer time span, it becomes known as a "wave", which can easily last several months.

As far as Iquique is concerned, the area has been tallying manifestations since the month of November (2009) and has reached its highest point during the month of April of this year, as sightings keep occurring. Another interesting fact is that whenever a sighting appears to be spectacular, another occurs to surpass it.

During last week alone, and while this report was being drafted, cases began taking place on a daily basis. Several have been left out of this compilation due to an absence of good quality visual evidence. Foremost among these is the sighting of three objects simultaneously, recorded accidentally from Cerro Tarapacá, where a contractor recorded the event for 30 minutes.

But while this case was celebrated by experts, the event that occurred on Thursday, April 22nd was more important: Paola Cabrera, a resident of the Mares del Sur condominium, was able to see a multicolored light that remained for several minutes over Iquique and which "escaped" toward the mountains, causing a blackout as it did so. The surprise was even greater on the next day, when Yocelin Melendez, a resident of the Los Conquistadores building in the north of the city ˆ that is to say, on the other side of Iquique ˆ was seeing the same object and even managed to record it. What makes this case remarkable is that she worked for an airline for a long time, and is wise about things that belong in the sky, or don‚t belong there.

"My camera was focused from the balcony. I took a long time to set it up on the tripod. I tried to focus on the object, but it was very hard. It was toward the sea. I stepped away from the camera for a while, as I had other things to do, and it left at that moment."

Yocelin was even more specific in her narrative, as she described the object: "It was round, a red-colored circle, and a sort of light." She adds that her husband also saw it, and while somewhat skeptical at first, he believed her. The recording covers a total of seven minutes.

Finally, on Friday at 23:45 hours, a new report of a similar object was received. It could be seen from the southern area of Iquique, toward the sea..

Why are these objects plowing the skies over Tarapacá? No one knows. This is one of the greatest enigmas of our time, a riddle for which there appears to be no solution.

(Translation (c) 2010, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)