Latin UFO-ET Reports - Chile, Paraguay & Peru
Scott Coralles

Paraguay - Strange Object Over Luque

Source: Ultima
Date: 03.30.10
Paraguay: Strange Object Over Luque.

VIDEO. Residents of the city of Luque witnessed a strange luminous object late at night. It was soon reported as a UFO. Startled, they described the event and displayed the recording.

People living in the vicinity of the Luque Stadium were impressed (Telefuturo)

According to their story, the sighting involved a large object with several lights whose colors changed constantly.

Raul Torres explained that his sister informed him of the object's manifestation. He went outside for a look and realized that it was an object moving slowly across the skies, with lights that changed colors.

"It wasn't your ordinary star. It moved and then remained still," added Selva Torres. "Its bright flashes, and its colors, impressed us all. Many of us here were watching."

(Translation (c) 2010 S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Jorge Hinojosa and Planeta UFO)

Chile -  Luminous Entity Spreads Panic Among Bus Passengers


Source: La Estrella de Iquique
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chile: Luminous Entity Spread Panic Among Bus PassengersThe sighting of a luminous being on the shore of the region of Tarapacá caused panic among passengers of an intercity bus from Iquique to Santiago de Chile.

The brush with the paranormal took place at 5 a.m. on March 1st 2010, when the passenger bus made a stop along Route A-1, linking from Iquique to Tocopila near the Vicente Mena Beach, between Punta Gruesa and Chucumata.

At that point, one of the female passengers began mumbling in her sleep: “They’re there, outside, there’re here,” creating expectation among her fellow bus passengers. She was wakened by one of her traveling companions. Once awake, the woman reacted as she looked outside the bus, seeing a fluorescent cylindrical structure in the sea. She began screaming and and causing alarm among the other passengers.

Collective panic gripped the passengers at this point, who after a few seconds “claimed having seen a top-shaped spacecraft emerging from the sea”, according to researcher Raul Rivera.

When everyone inside the bus calmed down and endeavored to photograph the luminous structures with their cellphones, the consternation and screams made an encore. “A being standing approximately 3 meters tall, thin and with impressive flashes of light, began walking toward the highway,” explained Rivera, stating that the case is being rigorously investigated in Santiago.

Once in Santiago, the experiencers went their separate ways, “making the investigation a difficult undertaking,” according to Enrique Silva, one of the two persons in charge of the process. He says that until now “only eight eyewitness accounts exist – a paltry sum, considering that an inter-city bus generally transports between 30 and 40 passengers.”

The identities of these eight witnesses is being kept in complete secrecy while future eyewitness accounts are sought, and the investigation can truly be finalized.

One of the open issues of this sighting is that neither the bus driver nor his assistant can be found. This has only served to stoke expectations, as some witnesses claim that the driver’s assistant took photos and videos of the encounter.

“There are key witnesses to the case. We cannot say who they are, nor the company to which the bus belongs. I can only say that something happened, as the eyewitness accounts are in agreement. I can say that a strange phenomenon occurred at that site,” Silva states explicitly.

The rigorous nature of the investigation is not only due to the sighting’s complexity or the difficulties involved in finding the final location of the passengers. The researcher in charge of the study adds that “there is an armed organization involved with the sighting, not as the source of the phenomenon, but as key witnesses. Therefore, the information involved, and the investigative process, must be handled with great care.” Silva explains that “we should have results this week or early next week.”
(Translation (c) 2010 S. Corrales, IHU.)

Peru - Woman Inseminated by the "Bufeo Colorado"?

Source: (Perú)
Date: February 22 2010
Perú: Woman Inseminated by the “Bufeo Colorado”?

[Stories such are this are often found in the Latin American tabloid press – but in an age when we freely admit the possibility of insemination by “space aliens”, who can deny the likelihood, however slim, that “river elementals” are up to no good? – SC]
This time, the legend comes to us from Mazán.

A woman identified as Reyna Yumbato Huamán, 28, claimed having been made pregnant by a pink dolphin found in the Amazonian rivers and known as the “bufeo” (pronounced: boo-fay-oh) The woman traveled from the region of San Jose in the district of Mazán to the Loreto Regional Hospital, where she was admitted due to complications with the pregnancy. She said that she has three children that caused her no problems during gestation, unlike the current one, which developed with intense pain, accompanied by dreams in which she allegedly sees the “bufeo”.

The staff gynecologist, Beder Camacho, says that this case was a “threatened abortion” and that “bufeo legend” is clinically impossible. The woman, he says, received treatment and no longer has any problems.

It is said that when the Bufeo Colorado falls in love with a girl, it adopts the appearance of a very handsome man and appears at a party where he can find his beloved and woo her. Once the girl has been ensnared, he lavishes attention upon her, visits her every night and leaves before daybreak, giving her presents. Within a short period of time, the girl longs to be by the riverside all the time, to the extent of throwing herself into the water to be with the Bufeo Colorado forever.

(Translation (c) 2010, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Planeta UFO)